Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My little baby girl..what's up..?

What's up, Zebby?..What's the matter?
Dari bangun bobo sampai mau bobo lagi kok rewel dan uring-uringan sih?
Makan ngga selera, ngemil juga..ngga biasa-biasanya..
Bunda salah apa nih? Janganlah ngambek lagi, bunda kan jadi susah hati nih?
Did you miss your kakek and nenek? Or do you want to go to some place that will make you happy?
Dear honey, I want you back..being my sweetie cheers Zebby..Play your tricycle, elmo, bear and flash cards..full of laughs and love..
OK Zebby, now you are sleeping..Bunda wishes that you can be in the most beautiful dream
And tomorrow morning, you can get up from your bed and give the sweetest smile for ayah and bunda..
Have a beautiful dream, sayang.....

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