Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Se Dua tumpuk PR :)

Aiih ceu Mona kasih peer gw juga, jadi judul postingan ini diralat dari setumpuk pe er jadi dua tumpuk sekarang :p. Thanks yah ceu, secara dikau masih perhatian padakuh meskipun aku rada sok sibyuk sendiri hihhihi.. Terharu deh.. *Big Hugs*
Langsung sayah kerjain yaaa...

~~Begin Here~~

This is the easy way and the fastest way to :
1. Make your Authority Technoraty explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.

Rules :

1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can..Picturing of Life, La Place de Cherie, Chez Francine, Le bric à brac de Cherie, Sorounded by Everything, Moments, A lot to Offer, Blogweblink, Blogcheers, Bloggerminded, Blogofminegal, Like A Dream Come True, Simply Amazing, Amazing Life, Vivek, Novee, Ichaawe, Anggangelina, Eiven, Putlie, Irien, Andiana, Ani, Febrie, Debbie, Mona


Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom. Tag at least 5 friends..!

1. Vina Maulana *gag boley boseen yaaa*
2. Mbak Dian si bunda baru
3. Mbak Moenk, mamanya Buna, Abim dan Ipeh.. *Ipeeeh, uwak is kamiiing*
4. Mbak Emma tetangga sebelah *hihihi*
5. Bunda Azka, bunda yg sabaaaar banget..:)
6. Mama Ay, mamahnya Ryuta di Jepun..

Kerjakeun yaaa... Makaciihh..
Ceu Mona, sudah dikerjakan yaaa... Lunas nas naaaass... *balik nguli*
-apdet:13 Maret 2008-

Sebelomnya gw mo ngucapin makasih buat temen2 yg udah kirim ucapan selamat ulang tahun buat Cempluk, baik yg melalui blog, sms, FS dan yg langsung.. Makasih banget dan ikuit mengaminkan wishesnya.. Love you all..

Sekarang saatnya kembali mengerjakan PR.. Ternyata PR datangnya bukan hanya dari pembimbing tapi juga dari para anggota kelurahan Blogger nan damai hihihi...
Yah wislah tanpa berpanjang lebar lagi *kayaknya dah panjang yaa?* gw mo ngerjain pe er pertama dari Mbak Yaya.


1.Mama,papa, Real, Rizky, Nenek, Oma, Opa, mas Anwar, Bapak, Ibu, Zebbyku yg lutu dan sahabat2ku..
2.My religion too, like Mbak Yaya.. Really wanna be a good moslemah, and always be in Allah's way..
3.Doing my master..
4.Blogging, can meet so many friends from all over the world
5.Travelling, enjoy the new scene, new food and new interesting things..
6.My cutie Zebby..*gak papa kan 2 kali hihihi*
7.Swimming.. Sports without sweating :p
8.Cooking, especially for cake.. Yummy..

Mostly I say

1.Eh copott..
5.Hunny bunny sweety pie (kalo manggil cempluk)
6.Ayaaaaaahhhh.... *manggil MA*
8.Good girl.. *buat muji cempluk*

I've just finished reading

1. Pasta and Noodle
2. Tempo
3. Rasa Magazine
4. Food Storage Stability
5.Asian Noodle
6.Classic Asian Noodle
7.Food Analysis by HPLC
8.Fortification Handbook

InsyaAllah before I die, I want to

1.Go hajj to Mecca with my family *sama banget kek mba Yaya*
2.Be a good wife and mom
3.Build a pesantren *doain yaa*
4.Write a cooking book
5.Be a lecturer or researcher or scientist
6.Having a bakery
7.Meet my friends whom I've never met before
8.Be a better moslem

I love listening to

1.11 Januari by Gigi
2.Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You
3.Hampir ke Situ by Mendua
4.Awan Yang Terpilu by Ning Baizura
5.Manusia Bodoh by Ada Band
6.Mengenangmu by Kerispatih
7.Biarkanlah by Nidji
8.Ketika Tangan dan Kaki Berkata by Chrisye

What my friends like about me
Coz I always be myself??.. dun know..:(

Last year I've learned

1.To be more patient
2.To prepare myself for studying
3.To arrange everything better
4.To make delicious cakes hihihi
5.To gain so many friends from blogging
6.To be a nice mother for my cempluk, till now ofkos
7.To make myself happy and enjoy in every moment
8.To be a good homemaker

If it's not too much trouble, I want to tag

1.Calon besan, Vina Maulana
2.Mbak Eucalyptus
3.Teh Ina
8.Nana, bunda Abrar

Kerjakeun yaaa ibu, mbak, adek hihihi.. punten yaa?

Tugas Kedua, dapet lemparan dari Vina..

~~Begin Here~~ This is the easy way and the fastest way to :
1. Make your Authority Technoraty explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.

Rules :
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can.

Picturing of Life, La Place de Cherie, Chez Francine, Le bric à brac de Cherie, Sorounded by Everything, Moments, A lot to Offer, Blogweblink, Blogcheers, Bloggerminded, Blogofminegal, Like A Dream Come True, Simply Amazing, Amazing Life, Vivek, Novee, Ichaawe, Anggangelina, Eiven ,PuTLie, Nta, MamaVian ,Dessy Fitriana, Andiana, Nyi IteuNg AKA Vina, Greiche (Gege)

~~END HERE~~ Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom.
Tag at least 5 friends..!

Kali ini ngelempar ke:
1. Mbak Tiwi
2. Mbak Yaya
3. Dini Bunda Zeeva
4. Widi
5. Mbak Kiky

Lunas yah Nyi.... heuheuheu..

Tugas Ketiga, dari sesama stroberi laper, Mbak Eucalyptus hihihi... Yang suka ngiming2 makanan yg wenak2 di blognya huhuhu.. seperti tidak sanggup menahan derita liat poto2 di blognya.. mana tahaaann.. Eeehh udah udah, jadi lupa ngerjain pe ernya heuheu..


Dear Friends and co-bloggers lets play-game-tag to tag- “pass it to the front”

Heres the Rules :* First copy and paste it.* Do not remove any content.* Just add One word related to your blogs.* If you don’t like the concept Pls! say no?* Our main goal is we are going to circulate our number of friends.* The more people join the “pass it to the front” the more links we generate.* Lastly write only one word “short” for your blogs…* Keep it simple and short,i know some of you have more than one blogs.* The color is only black, gray, or white plssss avoid using any color okies.

Let me show you :1.-Filipina,2.-Stories,3.-Abroad,4.-Husband,5.Gagiers, 6. Life 7. Everything, 8. Offer, 9. Moments, 10. Journey, 11. Simple 12. ABaLe 13. Eucalyptus 14. Greiche (Gege)

Everyone do this kind of Linky Game recently. Why don't I pass this one to them too?! Vina, Mbak Indah (Malang), Mama Vian , Mbak Wilda, Ceu Mona...
Hayuu borongan ini maaah.. Kerjain yaaa
Saya mo nafas lega dulu hihihi...

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